Alias et fonction pour shell

# Transforme une ip en nombre et reciproquement
alias ip2nb='perl -e '\''print $1*2**24+$2*2**16+$3*256+$4."\n"
             if ($ARGV[0]=~/(\d+).(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)/)'\'
alias nb2ip='perl -e '\''$z=$ARGV[0]; printf("%i.%i.%i.%i\n",

# Impression au format A5
book () {
  psbook "$@" | psnup -2 | pstops "2:0,1U(1w,1h)" | psset --duplex | lpr

# Encode et decode en rot13
rot13 () {
  if [ "$1" ]; then
    echo "$*" | tr n-za-m a-z
    tr n-za-m a-z

# each <commande> <fichiers>
# Applique la commande sur chacun des fichiers
each () {
    local command="$1"; shift
    for i in "$@"; do
	$command "$i"

# Pour avoir un df correct
df () {
    LC_ALL=C command df "$@" | grep -v tmpfs

# Compression
rf+ () {
  local fic
  if [ $# = 1 ]; then
    if [ -d "$1" ]; then
      tar cvzf "${1%/}".tgz "$1" && rm -rf "$1"
      gzip "$1"
  case "$1" in
    *.tgz|*.tar.gz) tar cvzf "$@" ;;
    *.tar) tar cvf "$@" ;;
      fic="$1"; shift; tar cv "$@" | bzip2 > "$fic" ;;
    *.gz) gunzip "$@" ;;
    *.bz2) bunzip2 "$@" ;;
      fic="$1"; shift; tar cv "$@" | compress > "$fic" ;;
    *.z|*.Z) uncompress "$@" ;;
    *.zip|*.ZIP) zip -r "$@" ;;
    *.jar|*.jar) fastjar cvf "$@" ;;
    *.rar) rar -rr a "$@" ;;
    *) echo "unknow format : $1" ;;
# Decompression
rf- () {
  local fic
  case "$1" in
    *.tgz|*.tar.gz) tar xvzf "$@" ;;
    *.tar) tar xvf "$@" ;;
      fic="$1"; shift; bunzip2 -c "$fic" | tar xv "$@" ;;
    *.gz) gunzip "$@" ;;
    *.bz2) bunzip2 "$@" ;;
      fic="$1"; shift; uncompress -c "$fic" | tar xv "$@" ;;
    *.z|*.Z) uncompress "$@" ;;
    *.zip|*.ZIP) for fic in "$@" ; do command unzip $fic ; done ;;
    *.jar|*.jar) fastjar xvf "$@" ;;
    *.rar) rar x "$@" ;;
    *.ace) unace x "$@" ;;
    *) echo "unknow format : $1" ;;
# Lister une archive
rfv () {
  local fic
  case "$1" in
    *.tgz|*.tar.gz) tar tvzf "$@" ;;
    *.tar) tar tvf "$@" ;;
      fic="$1"; shift; bunzip2 -c "$fic" | tar tvf - "$@" ;;
    *.zip|*.ZIP) zipinfo "$@" ;;
    *.jar|*.jar) fastjar tf "$@" ;;
      fic="$1"; shift; uncompress -c "$fic" | tar tvf - "$@" ;;
    *.rar) rar l "$@" ;;
    *.ace) unace l "$@" ;;
    *) echo "unknow format : $1" ;;
# Decompression en laissant les droits pour le groupe
rfa () {
    rf- "$@"
    chmod -R u+rX,g+rwX,o+r .

# Sets the title of the xterm
title() { echo -e "\e]2;$1\07" ; }

# Who takes all memory ? (Netscape...)
smem() {
  ps -eo pmem,vsz,rss,fname,user | fgrep -v 0.0 |
  sort -n $1 | gawk '{ printf(" %4s %7s %7s  %-8s  %-8s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5) }'

# Display disk space used by each user
spc () {
   command find ${1:-.} -printf "%u %b\n"  2>/dev/null |
     gawk '{ t[$1]+=$2 } END { for (i in t) printf("%12i %s\n",t[i]/2,i) }' |
     sort -r | cat -n | head $2

# Display a tree of files (function found somewhere on the net)
alias tree="find . -type d -print | sort | sed -e s:\./:: -e 's:[^/]*/:|  :g'"

# Remove some useless files
cln() {
  command find ${1:-.} \( -name '*.log' -o -name '*.tmp' -o -name '*~' -o \
       -name '.*~' -o -name '#*#' -o -name '*.o' -o -name '*.aux' -o \
       -name '*.toc' -o -name '.saves-*' -o -name '*.old' -o -name '*.bak' -o\
       -name 'core' -o -name '.#*' -o -name '.nfs*' -o -name '~$*' \) -print0 |
   perl -p0l012e unlink	  # xargs -0 -t rm -f

# A bash which
kel () {
 for i in "$@"; do
     for j in $([ -n "$ZSH_NAME" ] &&
	 whence -cap "$i" || type -all -path "$i"); do
       ls -lalG "$j"
 done ;

# replace <from_text> <to_text> <file(s)> : replace a text into all given files
replace () {
    perl -e '$a=shift;$b=shift;while($f=shift){open(F,$f);@t=<F>;close(F);\
    map s/$a/$b/,@t;open(W,">$f");print W @t;close(W)}' "$@"

# Display all the colors of the terminal
color() {
  for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; do
      echo -ne "$i: \e[4${i}m        \e[m\e[3${i};1m  TEXT  \e[m"
      for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; do
         echo -ne "\e[0;4${i};3${j}mt${j} "
      echo -n " "
      for j in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ; do
         echo -ne "\e[1;4${i};3${j}mt${j} "
      echo -e "\e[m"

# A locate with regexp
loc() {
  locate "*" | egrep -i "$@"

# Search a file
fd() {
  find . -iname "*$1*"

# Search a file and list it
fdl() {
  find . -name "*$1*" -print0 | xargs -0 ls --color=always -aldG

# Search a text in some files
search () {
  find . -iname "$2" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 egrep -l "$1"

# Accelerator
md() {
  mkdir "$1"
  cd "$1"

# display all directories
alias lsd="ls --color=always -dlLG -- */"

# ls divers
alias ls="ls --color=auto -T 0 -v"
alias ll="ls -lBG"
alias lt="ls -ralt"
alias la="ls -AlBG"
alias lg="ls -al"
alias lb="ls -lBGb"
alias lq="ll --quoting-style=shell"

# Ouvrir un fichier dans un Emacs deja lance
alias e='emacsclient -n'

# Demande confirmation
alias cp='cp -iRv'
alias mv='mv -iv'

# Une calculatrice toute simple
ti() { perl -e '$g=9.80665; $pi=3.141592653589793; printf("%.15g\n",'$1');' ; }

### CD
# cd avec pile de repertoire ("cd-" pour depiler)
alias cd-="popd >/dev/null"
cd() {
    if [ "$1" ] ; then
	case $1 in
	    -) builtin cd - > /dev/null ;;
	    *) pushd "$1" > /dev/null ;;
	pushd ~ > /dev/null

# Netscape4
alias n4='/usr/lib/netscape/477/navigator/navigator-smotif.real'

# show screen resolution
alias dim="xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions:/ { print \$2 }'"

# Encode les cara speciaux en %xx (ex: " " -> "%20")
url2path () {
 echo "$1" | perl -pe 's/%([\da-f]{1,2})/chr(hex($1))/eig'

# Decode les %xx en cara speciaux (ex: "%20" -> " ")
path2url () {
 echo "$1" | perl -pe 's/([^\da-z.\/:])/sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/eig'

# grave un .cue : cue <vitesse> <fichier.cue>
cue () {
  cdrdao write --eject --speed $1 --device ATA:1,0,0 --driver generic-mmc "$2"

# copy a cd : cdcopy [vitesse] [image]
cdcopy () {
    cdrecord -v -eject -pad \
	speed=${1:-12} dev=ATA:1,0,0 driveropts=burnproof \
	-isosize ${2:-/dev/cdrom}

# Return the size of the cd in the cd-writer
cdsize () {
  cdrecord -atip dev=0,$devg,0 |
  perl -n -e 'printf "%.3f\n", 650*($1+$2/60+$3/6000)/74
                if (/ATIP.*out: \S+ \((..):(..)\/(..)\)/)'

# mount an iso image
loop () {
    mount -r "$1" /mnt -t iso9660 -o loop

# Transform all wav sound file into a .wav which can be recorded in an audio cd
# Quality decrease
dec () {
  local dest
  for fic in "$@"; do
    if file "$fic" | fgrep "16 bit, stereo 44100"; then
      : # does nothing
      # the -v option is for decreasing the volume
      sox "$fic" -v 0.7 -w -c 2 -r 44100 tmp$$.wav rate # polyphase resample

# Convertit les fichiers sons en .ogg
x2ogg() {
    for i in "$@"; do
	mplayer -ao pcm:file="${i%.*}.wav" "$i"
	oggenc -q 5 "${i%.*}.wav"
	rm -f "${i%.*}.wav"

# Efface les lignes des fichiers qui n'existent plus d'une liste .m3u
purgem3u() {
  for m3u in "$@"; do
  local tmp=$(mktemp)
  echo $tmp $m3u
  while read f
      [ -f "$f" ] && echo "$f"
    done < "$m3u" > $tmp
    mv $tmp $m3u

### Divers
# ^h : à la place de DEL
# echoe : N'affiche pas le ^H mais efface le caractère
stty erase '^h' echoe cs8
unset MAILCHECK			# Ne dit pas s'il y'a du new Mail
HISTFILE="/dev/null"		# Nom du fichier d'historique

© 2001 ArSuniK. Tous droits réservés.
Contenu revu le 11 fevrier 2006